October 19 'Empowering Our Birthworkers' Day

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October 19 'Empowering Our Birthworkers' Day


Saturday, 19 October, 14:00-17:00 The Livingroom at Falmouth Marina.

Join us in this 3-hour workshop to gain knowledge and practical skills on how we can support and help our pregnant patients.

Helping women to have an empowering birth experience and to help create magical breastfeeding experiences for families.

What do you know about chiropractic care for pregnancy and neonates?

When should care begin? Preconception health for both man and woman.

What are we doing here as birthworkers?

The larger circle of life.


Empowering our Birthworkers Day

Session 1

Creating healthy families from the chiropractic paradigm.

Role of the brain in birth. Primitive reflexes.

Telemere length and chiro care.

Nutrition for sperm and egg. (stats in IVF)

Nutrition in pregnancy vitamin D and B12

Session 2

Pregnant pelvis and neurology biomechanics of pregnancy and birth

Life history and hormones nervous system trauma polyvagal affect

Parasympathetic and sympathetic balance; autoregulation; homeostasis.


Pubic symphysis L5 ligaments

What to look for.

Our role in birth prep.

What is Webster technique?

Optimal birth positions for baby.

Session 3.

Neotnatal care and breastfeeding.

Larger picture of family bonding.

Neuromechanics of breastfeeding.