Three payments of £534: EXCLUSIVE CHIROHUB SUBSCRIBER DISCOUNT! (over £200 off!)
Only for ChiroHub Subscribers. Get this exclusive special rate, £223 off the general fee. Includes all activities, and meals on Wednesday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
Only for ChiroHub Subscribers. Get this exclusive special rate, £223 off the general fee. Includes all activities, and meals on Wednesday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
Only for ChiroHub Subscribers. Get this exclusive special rate, £223 off the general fee. Includes all activities, and meals on Wednesday night, Saturday, and Sunday.
Pay in 3 installments of £534. Pay £534 now, and two more payments of £534 taken automatically every two months by August.
Unfortunately, the hotel venue, Villa Tolomei, is fully booked now since the 20th March, which is why we want to offer this discounted rate to ChiroHub subscribers only. There is limited space, and we want you to join us!
There are several wonderful affordable hotels and places to stay nearby. Please check on for the dates 17-21 April 2024.